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Aamir v/s Salman… Dhoom 3 clashes with Dabangg 2!!!

Aamir v/s Salman… Dhoom 3 clashes with Dabangg 2!!!
Now this is going to be one big time Bollywood clash… A clash between two Khans who share a very stron bond with each other. Well, we are talking about Aamir and Salman. December 2012 will see Dhoom 3 and Dabangg 2 release on the same day.
Dhoom 3 has Aamir playing the villain, and the film is set to release on December 21, 2012. On the other hand, Arbaaz Khan has announced on Twitter that he plans on releasing Dabangg 2 on da same date, i.e. Dec 21, 2012.
“Dabangg 2 starts March 2012 and releases on 21 Dec 2012 !!!” Arbaaz tweeted. He will himself direct the movie.
However, if buss is to be believed, Dhoom 3 is likely to get postponed to 2013 as there would be a lot of post production work to do.
Okay, so if Dhoom 3 and Dabangg 2 releases on the same day, which flick would you watch??